DD SIG Episode 41: Fear-Avoidance Behaviors’ Impact on Movement and Participation: Part 2- Treatment Strategies- with Mike Studer 

In this episode, we talk with Mike Studer about intervention and treatment strategies related to fear-avoidance behaviors (as introduced in part 1/episode 40 with Ryan Duncan and Merrill Landers). Host Chris Burke talks with Mike about using autonomy-building strategies to reduce fear and exposure therapy strategies. They also delve into behavior change strategies including tips from the field of behavioral economics. Chris and Mike work through a case application together to help listeners start thinking about how to apply these principles in their own practice to reduce the impact of fear avoidance on physical activity and function.  

The Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy – www.neuroPT.org 

Show notes available:
