ANPT Inspirational Conversation with Dr. Anne Shumway-Cook – short version

This interview of Dr. Anne Shumway-Cook was conducted in 2012. This was the inaugural podcast of Inspirational Conversations, a series of interviews, produced by the Historian Committee of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy.

Few individuals have the sustained and tangible accomplishments that have truly impacted the profession of physical therapy as Dr. Shumway-Cook. For over 25 yrs, she has advanced our understanding of the physiologic basis for abnormalities in balance and postural control. She has used her research and scholarly activities to always address real clinical problems. This body of work has influenced physical therapy provided to individuals with cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, vestibular disorders, as well as those at risk for falls. Her 2 books written in collaboration with Dr. Marjorie Woollacott are used in physical therapy educational programs across the U.S. and the world. Many of us probably have one of books on our professional bookshelves, either The Development of posture and gait across the life span, or Translating Research into Clinical Practice. Her collaborative research publications – which include over 65 manuscripts and 17 Book chapters – have produced some of the seminal work in balance and postural control.

Joining the interview were: Kathy Sullivan, PT, PhD, FAHA, Associate Professor of Clinical Physical Therapy at Univ of Southern California and former president of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy and Teresa Jacobson Kimberley, PT, PhD – Associate Professor at Univ of Minn and Director of Research for the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy. Teresa was instrumental in establishing the Anne Shumway-Cooke Translating Neurorehabilitation Research to Practice Lectureship at CSM in 2011.

It was truly an honor to have Dr. Shumway-Cooke share with us remembrances about her career and her thoughts about the PT profession.

For the full interview with Dr. Shumway-Cooke click here.

For more information on the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy visit