Evidence in Practice, a clinician’s perspective 

In this episode, Dr. Heather Hayes talks to Dr. Michael Zervas about how he finds and utilizes evidence in practice. We hope this episode inspires you to continue learning and consider registering for a national conference, such as CSM or the ANPT Annual Conference to help keep you engaged with your profession and effective with …

Brain Injury SIG: Brain Bytes – Engagement During the Period of Posttraumatic Amnesia – Episode 4

In this episode, the ANPT Brain Injury SIG speaks with the authors of one of the January Edition articles of the JNPT. The article was titled, “Factors Associated With Physical Therapy Engagement During the Period of Posttraumatic Amnesia.” Four of the five authors- doctors Courtney Spiteri, Gavin Williams, Michelle Kahn, and Adam McKay- spoke with …