DD SIG: Special Episode: PT Pet Peeves – Episode 31 

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In this special 3-year anniversary episode of 4D, host Parm Padgett and DDSIG secretary and podcast editor Sara Zoeller dive into the world of neuro-rehab and the pet peeves that come along with it. From terminology to exercise intensity to balance, we hear from previous guests and board members about what they are itching to correct in neuro PT practice. Join us with special guests Anne Kloos, Jeannie Stephenson, Herb Karpatkin, Lori Quinn, Vanina Dal Bello-Hass, Judy Deutsch, Alicia Flach, Amy Yorke, and Julie Hershberg as they share their personal pet peeves when it comes to neuro rehabilitation.  

The Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy – www.neuropt.org. 

Show notes 

To learn more about the Moving Forward/Evidence Elevates Task force, check out their site on the ANPT website here: https://neuropt.org/practice-resources/best-practice-initiatives-and-resources/moving-forward 


Vanina Dal Bello-Haas PT, PhD 

Judy Deutsch PT, PhD 

Alicia Flach PT, DPT 

Julie Hershberg PT, DPT 

Herb Karpatkin PT, DSc 

Anne Kloos PT, PhD 

Lori Quinn PT, EdD 

Jeannie Stephenson PT, PhD 

Amy Yorke PT, PhD