Spinal Cord Injury SIG: DiSCIS Interview with Dr. Giorgio Scivoletto about the ISNCSCI with Non-Traumatic SCI – Episode 13

Spinal Cord Injury SIG: Interview with Dr. Giorgio Scivoletto about his group’s paper “Reliability and validity of the international standards for neurological classification of spinal cord injury in patients with non-traumatic spinal cord lesions” published in Spinal Cord in 2021 Join DiSCIS hosts Kristen Cezat, PT, DPT, NCS and Uzair Hammad, PT, DPT as we learn more about this new and exciting work!

For the transcript of the podcast click here.

Any questions, comments, or suggestions for future topics/speakers, please reach out to Kristen Cezat at Kristen.cezat@orlandohealth.com


Thank you for listening to this interview brought you by the Spinal Cord Injury Special Interest Group. For
more information on this SIG and ANPT visit www.neuropt.org.