Spinal Cord Injury SIG: DiSCIS Interview with Dr. Laura Baehr about Tele-Exercise – Episode 19

In this episode, we talk with Dr. Laura Baehr about two recent publications from her team, titled Development and Feasibility of a Group Tele-Exercise Program for Individuals with SCI, published in JNPT in 2023.  The second publication we discuss is The Effect of Tele-Exercise to Promote Empowered Movement for Individuals with SCI (TEEMS) Program on …

Spinal Cord Injury SIG: DiSCIS Interview with Dr. Chad Swank and Dr. Jaime Gillespie about Robotic Gait Training – Episode 18

In this episode, we speak with Dr. Chad Swank and Dr. Jaime Gillespie about the use of robotic gait training devices in their group’s paper, “Utilization of overground exoskeleton gait training during inpatient rehabilitation: a descriptive analysis.” Join us to hear about this exciting work! Article link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10401799/ The Spinal Cord Injury Special Interest Group …

Spinal Cord Injury SIG: DiSCIS Interview with Dr. Jenny Lotter about Task Vs Impairment Based Training – Episode 17

In this episode, we will be speaking with Dr. Jenny Lotter about her group’s paper titled, “Task specific vs impairment based training on locomotor performance in individuals with chronic SCI: A randomized crossover study.” Join us to hear about this exciting work! Article link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmid/32476619/ Please send comments or questions on this podcast to the …

SCI Chats Episode 6: Interview with 3 PTs

In this episode, we will talk with three physical therapists, Lauren Jefferies, Uzair Hammad, and Brittany Rohan about what drew them into spinal cord injury rehabilitation as students, during neurological residency, and what keeps them coming back to SCI rehab years later. Please send comments or questions on this podcast to the APTA ANPT SCI …

SCI Chats Episode 4: Guide to CSM 2023

Join Kristen Cezat and Casey Kandilakis as they discuss this year’s content and events for CSM 2023 in San Diego, CA February 23-25.  Learn about neurology and spinal cord injury content that you won’t want to miss as well as opportunities to meet the SCI SIG leadership at various events to see what the SIG …

SCI Chats Episode 2: Interview with Geneva Brier

Tune in for the latest SCI CHATs Episode! Join us for one episode of many where we interview a client living post spinal cord injury! Geneva shares many experiences, stories, and wisdom to improve clinicians’ understanding of patient perspectives while providing insightful tips for those currently sharing her experience of living with a spinal cord …

SCI Chats Episode 1: Get to Know Your SCI SIG Leadership

Get to know the SCI SIG leadership: We talk with ANPT SCI SIG leadership to hear a little bit about their background, why they love treating clients with SCI, and why they chose to join the SCI SIG leadership team!  Thank you for listening to this interview brought you by the Spinal Cord Injury Special …

Spinal Cord Injury SIG: DiSCIS Interview with Dr. Edelle Field-Fote about Spasticity – Episode 14

Interview with Dr. Edelle Field-Fote about her group’s paper “ Characterizing the Experience of Spasticity after Spinal Cord Injury: A National Survey Project of the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Centers” published in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in 2022.   Join DiSCIS hosts Kristen Cezat, PT, DPT, NCS and Uzair Hammad, PT, DPT as we learn …

Spinal Cord Injury SIG: DiSCIS Interview with Dr. Giorgio Scivoletto about the ISNCSCI with Non-Traumatic SCI – Episode 13

Spinal Cord Injury SIG: Interview with Dr. Giorgio Scivoletto about his group’s paper “Reliability and validity of the international standards for neurological classification of spinal cord injury in patients with non-traumatic spinal cord lesions” published in Spinal Cord in 2021.  Join DiSCIS hosts Kristen Cezat, PT, DPT, NCS and Uzair Hammad, PT, DPT as we learn more about …

Spinal Cord Injury SIG: Interview with Andrew Smith and Enrico Rejc about Spinal Cord Imaging Markers and Recovery – Episode 12

Interview with Dr. Andrew Smith, PT, DPT, Ph.D. and Dr. Enrico Rejc, Ph.D about their paper recently published in the Experimental Brain Research. Their paper is titled “Spinal cord imaging markers and recovery of standing with epidural stimulation in individuals with clinically motor complete spinal cord injury.” Join DiSCIS hosts Kristen Cezat, PT, DPT, NCS …