Balance & Falls SIG: Genotype impact on falls & tDCS with Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee

In this episode we have a conversation with Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee, assistant professor at Drexel University about her work both in the area of COMT genotype (variations of a gene involved in dopamine breakdown) on falls in older adults and in the area of concurrent tDCS and complex walking tasks. We review the results of …

Balance & Falls SIG: Conversation with SIG Leadership Episode 10

Conversation with the leaders of the Balance & Falls SIG, Debbie Espy (Chair), Jen Nash (Chair-elect), Laura Jacobs (Nominating committee), Nate Casey (Secretary), and Michele Collins (Vice chair). Show Notes: Interested in elected learship positions in the ANPT? Other Balance and Falls SIGs in the APTA, mentioned in the podcast as part of the …