B&F SIG: Balancing the Needs of a Small Business and it’s Community with Jason Adour

Jason Adour, founder of Maine Strong Balance Center, speaks to me about the opportunities and challenges of starting and maintaining a small business focused on balance and falls while trying to treat his employees well, help them meet their definition of success, and serve the community good. Maine Strong Balance Center SCORE Small Business Mentoring …

Balance & Falls SIG: Sara Oxborough from the Telehealth Taskforce

Sara Oxborough, who currently serves on the ANPT Telehealth Task Force and previously served on the MN APTA Telehealth Task force, discusses the October 2023 publication and resources published on the ANPT website from the ANPT Telehealth Taskforce. Addressing Opportunities and Barriers in Telehealth Neurologic Physical Therapy: Strategies to Advance Practice Neuro Telehealth best practice …

Balance & Falls SIG: Genotype impact on falls & tDCS with Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee

In this episode we have a conversation with Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee, assistant professor at Drexel University about her work both in the area of COMT genotype (variations of a gene involved in dopamine breakdown) on falls in older adults and in the area of concurrent tDCS and complex walking tasks. We review the results of …

Balance & Falls SIG: Perturbation Training for Fall Prevention with Dr. Tanvi Bhatt Episode 12

Winner of the 2023 Balance & Falls SIG Research Award, Dr. Tanvi Bhatt shares her journey to physical therapy research, contemporary evidence on perturbation training, why having your patient catch a heavy ball isn’t reactive training, and low-tech solutions to integrating this training paradigm in the clinic. Dr. Bhatt’s Cognitive Motor Balance Rehabilitation Laboratory: https://cmbrl.ahs.uic.edu/ …

Balance & Falls SIG: Perturbation-Based Balance Training with J.J. Mowder-Tinney Episode 11

In this episode of the Balance & Falls Special Interest Group Podcast, Host Marissa Lyon speaks with J.J. Mowder-Tinney. Dr. Mowder-Tinney was awarded the Best Poster Presenter at the ANPT Annual Conference in October 2022, with a poster titled “Effectiveness of Implementing a Single Session of Perturbation Training in the Clinical with Chronic Stroke.” Drs. …

Balance & Falls SIG: Conversation with SIG Leadership Episode 10

Conversation with the leaders of the Balance & Falls SIG, Debbie Espy (Chair), Jen Nash (Chair-elect), Laura Jacobs (Nominating committee), Nate Casey (Secretary), and Michele Collins (Vice chair). Show Notes: Interested in elected learship positions in the ANPT? https://neuropt.org/join/election-information Other Balance and Falls SIGs in the APTA, mentioned in the podcast as part of the …

Balance & Falls SIG: Leadership Intro & Clinical Pearls – Episode 6

In this episode, the leadership of the Balance & Falls SIG discusses their vision for the next 2 years, upcoming resources to be available to our members, as well as clinical pearls to improve your practice with your patients with balance dysfunction. Please email any questions to BalanceFallsSIG@gmail.com The Balance and Falls Special Interest Group …