Spreading the Evidence: Integrating Evidence in Practice

In this episode, physical therapist and clinician, Jonathan Kinzinger, shares his story of finding evidence that he could apply to practice. Resources such as the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the core outcome measures and locomotor training inspired him to change practice. He is now embarking on systematic change.   For more information on the Academy …

No Easy Feat: 3 clinicians use evidence to change their practice

In this episode, physical therapist Mina Tialino and occupational therapists Steve Wallenfels and Philip Lamoreaux share stories of how they and their inpatient rehabilitation team have transitioned away from using traditional therapies in the care of their patients with neurologic conditions. Learn how these therapists with different levels of clinical experience have infused evidence-based approaches …

Evidence Elevates: ANPT Moving Forward -Episode 1

The Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy released the position paper, Moving Forward in 2021. This paper emphasizes the use of the best available evidence and research in the treatment of adults with acute-onset movement disorders following neurological injury. After decades of debate over the different treatment methods the ANPT Board of Directors felt it was …