DD SIG Episode 38: Feasibility of Low-Load Resistance Training with Blood Flow Restriction for People with Severe Multiple Sclerosis- with Mark Mañago

In this episode, host Jeffrey Schmidt talks with Dr. Mark Mañago, who won this year’s DD SIG CSM platform award year.. Dr. Mañago chats with us about his recent presentation at CSM entitled “Feasibility of Low-Load Resistance Training with Blood Flow Restriction for People with Severe Multiple Sclerosis”. While traditionally considered a musculoskeletal intervention, he discusses the benefits blood flow restriction (BFR) can bring to the world of neurologic diagnoses, especially for those with more severe weakness. We review the results of this pilot study, including the feasibility of this intervention in regards to adherence, patient outcomes, and patient satisfaction. Tune in to hear more about this emerging intervention. The Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy – www.neuroPT.org

Vestibular SIG: Updates on Vestibular Migraine and Meniere’s Disease- Episode #66

Host Maureen Clancy PT, DPT, OCS is joined by Helena Esmonde PT, DPT, NCS and Sara Oxborough PT in a discussion regarding recent updates regarding Vestibular Migraine and Meniere’s Disease. They delve into the prevalence, physiology, differential diagnosis, and treatment strategies for both disorders.

The Vestibular Special Interest Group is apart of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, neuropt.org.

For further information view these sources:

 ICHD Vestibular Migraine Criteria: https://ichd-3.org/appendix/a1-migraine/a1-6-episodic-syndromes-that-may-be-associated-with-migraine/a1-6-6-vestibular-migraine/

Meniere’s Criteria: https://www.audiology.org/classifications-of-menieres-disease/
Vestibular Migraine Clinical Pearls: https://vestibularfirst.com/vestibular-migraine-clinical-pearls-practice-tips/

Migraine-related Journal Clubs including topics on Vestibular Migraine with Dr. Shin Beh and Migraine and Nutrition with The Dizzy Cook: https://www.youtube.com/@VestibularFirst/streams

Mediation and Educational Resources: https://www.symmetryalliance.com/

Vestibular Rehabilitation SIG:  A Survey of Entry-Level Physical Therapy Education Content for Vestibular Rehabilitation Episode #67

Host Puneet Dhaliwal, PT, DPT, NCS is joined by Drs. Anne K. Galgon, PT, MPT, PhD and Andrew E. Littman, PT, PhD. Drs. Anne Galgon and Andrew Littmann are a part of task force that published“A Survey of Entry-Level Physical Therapy Education Content for Vestibular Rehabilitation”. Task Force constituted of the following individualsGalgon, Anne K. PT, MPT, PhD; Roberts, Holly J. PT, PhD; Littmann, Andrew E. PT, PhD; Heusel-Gillig, Lisa L. PT, DPT; Dransfield, Lisa PT, DPT, MA; Plishka, Charles M. PT, DPT; Wrisley, Diane M. PT, PhD. 

Dr. Anne Galgon is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at Saint Joseph’s University.  Dr. Galgon is a board-certified clinical specialist in neurological physical therapy with advance training in vestibular rehabilitation. She has 35 years of experience as a physical therapist primarily managing patients with neurologic, vestibular and balance disorders. Over the past 21 years she held faculty positions in physical therapy at Neumann University and Temple University, and University of the Sciences where she taught courses in movement sciences, neurosciences, evidence-based practice and clinical management of neuromuscular and vestibular disorders. Her current research focuses on physical therapy management of vestibular disorders.

Dr. Littmann is associate professor in the School of Physical Therapy at Regis University in Denver, CO. He specializes in rehabilitation of neurological disorders and has practiced vestibular rehabilitation for the last 20 years. He is a member of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy and serves national roles on the APTA’s Council on Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science and Technology, and the vestibular special interest group. He was a member of the critical appraisal team for the recently published clinical practice guidelines for vestibular hypofunction.

This episode discusses task force’s journey in development of their survey, disparities in VR content, expected level of performance, and the amount of time dedicated to VR at Entry level Education in Physical Therapy programs.

The Vestibular Special Interest Group is apart of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, neuropt.org.

Leveraging Physical Therapy Residents as Change Agents

Moving Forward Task Force member Heather Hayes speaks with current neurologic physical therapy resident, Kayley Stock and Assistant Professor and Residency Program Coordinator, Rebecca Bliss from the University of Missouri. They discuss what it means to be a neurologic physical therapy resident promoting change and how to have the necessary but challenging conversations of bringing evidence into clinical practice.

DD SIG & JNPT Collaboration: Walking Endurance and Oxygen Uptake on Kinetics in Individuals with Parkinson Disease Following Overground Locomotor Training – with Andrew Guccione and Andrew Pechstein- Episode 37

In this episode, Katy talks with Dr. Andrew Guccione and Dr. Andrew Pechstein about their article published in the April 2023 issue of JNPT entitled “Walking Endurance and Oxygen Uptake on Kinetics in Individuals with Parkinson Disease Following Overground Locomotor Training.” “Dr. G” and Dr. Pechstein discuss cardiorespiratory aspects of locomotor training and how bioenergetic factors play a role in walking endurance. Tune in to hear more, including how they designed their exercise protocol, selected outcomes, and clinical implications of considering cardiorespiratory endurance when evaluating patients. 

The Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of Neurologic

Physical Therapy – www.neuroPT.org

Stroke SIG & JNPT Collaboration: Gluteus Maximus Muscle Activation Characteristics During a Chair-Rise in Adults With Chronic Stroke: Episode 20

In this episode, host Jackie Loeshelle, PT, DPT is joined by Michelle Sawtelle, PT, PhD. Dr. Sawtelle currently serves on the Stroke SIG leadership board. This interview discusses why the sit to stand task is an important clinical indicator in the stroke population, the findings of Dr. Sawtelle’s research, and how we can translate findings from this article into clinical practice. The article “Gluteus Maximus Muscle Activation During a Chair-Rise in Adults With Chronic Stroke” is featured in the October 2022 issue of the JNPT. The JNPT is a partner on this episode. The article can be found here: https://journals.lww.com/jnpt/Abstract/2022/10000/Gluteus_Maximus_Muscle_Activation_Characteristics.6.aspx.

The information in this podcast is meant for the benefit of physical therapists. It is not meant for personal medical diagnosis and/or treatment. Individuals should always consult an appropriate medical practitioner with questions.

Please send comments or questions on this podcast to the Stroke SIG at strokesig@gmail.com.

The Stroke Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy – www.neuropt.com.

Evidence Elevates: Going to CSM 2023? Listen to suggested content from the EE team!

Ryan Knight, Herb Karpatkin and Jenny Lotter (members of the Moving Forward Task Force) have recommended content to help you get the most out of CSM 2023. They highlight talks that we know are going to make you Think Again and help you to elevate your practice, the profession and your patient outcomes. Check out this short, information-packed podcast!

DD SIG: Degenerative Disease Clinician Locator Map – Bonus Episode 

In this bonus episode of 4D, we talk with Herb Karpatkin, a DD SIG officer who serves on the Nominating Committee, about one of the DD SIG’s newest features, the clinician locator map. Host and DD SIG chair Rebecca Martin talks with Dr. Karpatkin about his recent initiative to improve and simplify access to physical therapists who specialize in degenerative neurologic diseases. Learn more about how to access this resource and how to add your information to our map! The Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy –www.neuroPT.org 

Clinician Locator Map Info Page: https://www.neuropt.org/special-interest-groups/degenerative-diseases/ddsig-clinician-locator-map

DD SIG: Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) 2023 Preview – Bonus Episode

In this episode of 4D, hosts Parm Padgett and Ken Vinacco give us the inside scoop on the degenerative disease representation in the 2023 CSM line up. Hear clips/sneak peeks from several of the speakers about their upcoming presentations. With so many must-see talks, you’re going to want to listen in to get a head start on planning your time at CSM! The Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy –www.neuroPT.org

Link to show notes: https://app.box.com/s/q985x9cqbqky4qai4ci5thw21lvghgrs

SCI Chats Episode 4: Guide to CSM 2023

Join Kristen Cezat and Casey Kandilakis as they discuss this year’s content and events for CSM 2023 in San Diego, CA February 23-25.  Learn about neurology and spinal cord injury content that you won’t want to miss as well as opportunities to meet the SCI SIG leadership at various events to see what the SIG is all about!