DD SIG Episode 46: Post-Polio Syndrome with Carolyn DaSilva

In this installment of our series on rare neurologic diseases, Ken Vinacco talks with Carolyn DaSilva about post-polio syndrome (PPS), which can occur in polio survivors 15-20 years after the initial poliomyelitis infection. The constellation of symptoms include new or worsening weakness, pain, and fatigue. Ken and Carolyn also discuss bracing and exercise recommendations in this population.  Listen in to learn more about this unique population!

The Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of 
Neurologic Physical Therapy – www.neuroPT.org

Show notes available here:


ANPT Inspirational Conversation with Dr. Patty Scheets – full version

In this interview, Dr. Scheets talks about her time as President of the ANPT. She also talks about her role in helping develop the movement system diagnoses and how they play a part in the treatment of patients with neurologic conditions.

To learn more about the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy visit www.neuropt.org

ANPT Inspirational Conversation with Dr. Patty Scheets – short version

In this interview, Dr. Scheets talks about her time as President of the ANPT. She also talks about her role in helping develop the movement system diagnoses and how they play a part in the treatment of patients with neurologic conditions.

To listen to the full interview with Dr. Scheets click here.

To learn more about the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy visit www.neuropt.org

Vestibular SIG-Advocating for Vestibular Rehabilitation- Episode # 68

Host Puja Agarwal PT, DPT, MHA is joined by Dr. Jacob McPherson, PT, DPT, PhD, a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Science and a member of the University of Buffalo Concussion Management and Research Center Team to discuss strategies on how best to advocate for Vestibular Rehabilitation. His current research focuses on the effects of sport and non-sport related concussion on vestibular function as well as the interdisciplinary clinical management of concussion. Dr. McPherson plays a vital role in advocating for and raising awareness of Vestibular Rehabilitation.

The Vestibular Special Interest Group is apart of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy. neuropt.org.

Balance & Falls SIG: Genotype impact on falls & tDCS with Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee

In this episode we have a conversation with Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee, assistant professor at Drexel University about her work both in the area of COMT genotype (variations of a gene involved in dopamine breakdown) on falls in older adults and in the area of concurrent tDCS and complex walking tasks. We review the results of her research and how the findings can guide physical therapy practice, even among those who are not testing COMT genotype or using tDCS. We also follow-up with a conversation about the impact of placebo effect, especially when working with older adults and the role of mentorship for new academics.

Dr. Chatterjee’s University profile available here

See Dr. Chatterjee’s publications here

Please send comments or questions on this podcast to balancefallssig@gmail.com

Follow us on X @Balance_Falls, Instagram @anpt_bfsig, and Facebook @ANPT Balance & Falls SIG

The Balance & Falls Special Interest Group is a component of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy

DD SIG Episode 45: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy with Heather Cianci

In this second installment of our series on rare neurologic diseases, host Katy McGraw talks with Heather Cianci about Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP), a neurologic disease that can mimic some features of Parkinson Disease (PD) like loss of balance and a tendency to fall backwards, but that also has unique features such as the loss of vertical gaze, and behavioral changes. Heather discusses clinical signs to look for to treat and/or refer out for. She also talks extensively about treating PSP clinically throughout the disease course, palliative care for patients with advanced PSP, working within interdisciplinary teams to support patients with PSP, and so much more. 

Enjoying our new series on rare neurologic diseases? We want to hear from you! Give us feedback, share ideas for future podcasts, and connect us to expert clinicians treating patients with those diseases. Email us at: neuroddsig@gmail.com 

The Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of 
Neurologic Physical Therapy – www.neuroPT.org 

Show notes available: https://app.box.com/s/59dhwr9i0p29p4hrkxjnvbdyxl8kh94m

Balance & Falls SIG: Perturbation Training for Fall Prevention with Dr. Tanvi Bhatt Episode 12

Winner of the 2023 Balance & Falls SIG Research Award, Dr. Tanvi Bhatt shares her journey to physical therapy research, contemporary evidence on perturbation training, why having your patient catch a heavy ball isn’t reactive training, and low-tech solutions to integrating this training paradigm in the clinic.

Dr. Bhatt’s Cognitive Motor Balance Rehabilitation Laboratory: https://cmbrl.ahs.uic.edu/

Dr. Bhatt’s work on google scholar

The Balance & Falls Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of
Neurologic Physical Therapy


DD SIG Episode 44: Spinal Muscular Atrophy with Kyle Reedy

In this first installment of our series on rare neurologic diseases, host Jeff Schmidt talks with Kyle Reedy about Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). Kyle discusses the etiology and clinical presentation of this disease, as well as best practices for treating patients living with this rare neuromuscular disease, in light of medical advances that have improved patient prognosis. From using SMA-specific outcome measures to advocate for patients to insurance companies, to designing comprehensive and tailored interventions to optimize function and mobility long term, Kyle delves into the research and interdisciplinary best practices for management of patients with SMA.
The Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of
Neurologic Physical Therapy – www.neuroPT.org

Show notes:


SCI Chats Episode 5: Interview with Kaci Handlery and Dana Kahl

Join us as we talk with Dr. Kaci Handlery and Dr. Dana Kahl about how they have brought an innovative fitness opportunity to individuals living with SCI and their caregivers/partners in the community where they live!

For more information about the SHIFT Arkansas program discussed in this episode, visit their website or contact Kaci Handlery at Kaci.Handlery@achehealth.edu


Please send comments or questions on this podcast to anptscisig@gmail.com. The Spinal Cord Injury Special Interest Group is a part of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy – www.neuropt.org

DD SIG Episode 43: Gait Training in PD with Mike Lewek and CJ Duppen

In this episode, host Parm Padgett talks with Mike Lewek and CJ Duppen from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill about using implicit and explicit motor learning techniques with people with Parkinson Disease. CJ and Mike do a deep dive into their research on the integration of targeted rhythmic auditory cueing to improve step length and gait speed. Additionally, they discuss their current work looking at the effects of cueing on gait initiation, step length and step speed, and weight shifting for better anticipatory postural adjustments, all aimed at positively impacting PD symptom progression and mitigating fall risk. The Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy – www.neuroPT.org

Show notes available here: https://www.neuropt.org/docs/default-source/degenerative-diseases-sig/4d-podcast-show-notes—2019/ddsig-podcast-show-notes-2023/show-notes_episode43.pdf